The Honeybear Stories are a series of 13 short stories for children aged between 5 and 8 years old (with a bit of latitude at either end). They are written in a charming retro style, harking back to an age when children’s fiction was more innocent. Suffused with comedy, love, loyalty, generosity and not a little excitement, they introduce children to a host of animals. Most – although not all the animals – live together in an atmosphere of kindness and cooperation.

The Honeybear stories are available as 13 short stories in audiobook and ebook formats, as well as a compilation ebook of all the stories in one edition.

Ebook versions are included free with each audiobook purchased from this website.
(This offer is not available through other sellers).
The principal characters are an orphaned she-bear called Honeybear and a young gorilla called Gerumph, who has escaped from a zoo. The two quickly become good friends.

After they introduce the reader to many of the forest’s inhabitants, Honeybear makes a startling discovery – that she might be able to find her long-lost mother.

This new quest takes the pair on a host of great adventures, full of surprises, challenges and strange encounters, leading to a dramatic climax full of twists and turns in which the outcome remains in doubt almost to the very end.

For a more detailed description of the series, have a look at The Big Story page.


The first story in the series is available free as an audiobook or a full colour PDF from this website. You can also stream the audiobook right now by clicking on the player:

To get your free copy of Stranger In The Forest, go to the Get the Stories page. The audiobook can be downloaded as a zip file, and a full colour illustrated ebook is available in PDF or EPUB format.

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