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Stranger In The Forest (#1)     The Tall Tree (#2)

Mysterious Footprints (#3)       A Rainbow (#4)

The Winter Caves (#5)     Troublemakers (#6)     Yeppi! (#7)

The Dancing Monkey (#8)      Strange Noises (#9)

Danger On The Cracked Way (#10)      Raven's Marsh (#11)

Crossing The Poisoned River (#12)

The Red Circle Ranch (#13)

Honeybear Stories - the Ebook Anthology

Book 1: Stranger in The Forest

“What you need to remember is that this is an adventure and all the best adventures have little bits of all sorts of things in them.”
“Like what?” asked Honeybear.
“Like being daring and doing unexpected things. And feeling excitement and danger and seeing new places and making new friends and doing new things.”

In the first story in the series, we meet Honeybear, an orphan bear living alone in the forest. She’s rather lonely and a bit timid, but delighted when she meets a mysterious stranger. He’s an escaped gorilla without a name, who she invites to stay for a while. She calls him Gerumph.

Unlike Honeybear, Gerumph is adventurous, but sometimes gets into trouble. When winter comes he enjoys sliding on the frozen pond but one day the ice breaks. He falls into the freezing water and can’t get back out. Very quickly, Honeybear has to work out how to save her new best friend.

When spring arrives in the forest, a grateful Gerumph tries to think of an adventure he can share with Honeybear, something she will enjoy. That’s when the idea comes to him: a trip back to his old home at the zoo – if only he can remember the way.

And if they manage to meet up with some of the animals, Honeybear and Gerumph must hope they are not discovered by the keepers, because if they are, they will be forced to flee in a desperate race to keep their freedom and avoid being captured.

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Book 2: The Tall Tree

“When’s your birthday? I’ve known you now for more than a year and you’ve never mentioned it.”
“What do you mean?” Honeybear asked.
“Well, everyone has a birthday,” said Gerumph, “but I don’t know when your birthday is.”
“That’s because I don’t know either,” said Honeybear sadly. “My mother disappeared one day when I was a very young bear and I never managed to find out.”
“I see,” said Gerumph. “So, you’ve never had a birthday party?”

In the second book of the series, Honeybear and Gerumph the gorilla decide to build a bigger tree-house for the two of them to share. While they are planning their new home, Gerumph is surprised to discover that Honeybear doesn’t know when her birthday is, so he decides to hold a party for her.

Unfortunately, while looking for suitable building materials for the new tree house, Gerumph makes a terrible mistake, one which may force him to abandon his best friend and leave the forest in disgrace. Can Honeybear help Gerumph fix his mistake and repair the damage before the other animals in the forest turn against him?

Audiobook: 48 mins
Ebook: 29 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 3: Mysterious Footprints

Suddenly, Honeybear jumped in the air, shouting: "What's that? What's that?" as something stretched across her face.
"What? What?" Gerumph called out, turning to his friend in the darkness of the cave, the sound of their voices echoing all around them.
"There's something on my face," Honeybear cried out, trying to rub it away with her paws.
"Come back outside," Gerumph shouted. "Come quickly."

Our third story starts with two strange events. The first is when mysterious footprints are found in the mud by a nearby stream. Gerumph suggests that Cato the owl might know about the footprints and they should go to see him.

The second strange event is that Potting the pine marten has disappeared. The animals start a search for Potting, worried because for him to disappear like this, something bad must surely have happened.

And when two men appear in the forest it quickly becomes clear they have a sinister purpose. But what exactly? The animals don’t really know. When they find out, Honeybear and Gerumph need to come up with a clever plan to stop them. A plan that must succeed.

Audiobook: 44 mins
Ebook: 29 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 4: A Rainbow

“Oh, look,” said Castor. “There’s a rainbow. Isn’t it pretty!”
“Shush,” Gerumph said, at once. “No talk about rainbows. Honeybear doesn’t like them.”
“Really!” said Castor, in surprise.
“Yes, really,” said Honeybear. “We saw a rainbow yesterday and, soon after, a bad thing happened to one of the herons.”
She stared up at the sky where the rainbow shimmered brightly. “I wonder what bad luck this new rainbow will bring?”

In Book 4, Honeybear and Gerumph meet a hare called ‘The Amazing Crosby’, a traveling showman with a skilful act as both a juggler and magician. But is he also a creature with a dark side? Someone who could prove very costly to all the animals in the forest? The answer soon becomes all too apparent.

Meanwhile, Gerumph is amazed when a heron called Padrona speaks to him for the first time. Even though the herons live close by, they have never tried to talk to Honeybear or Gerumph, something that has always puzzled them.

But the reason for this sudden change soon becomes clear when Padrona explains that Skarp, the heron she lives with, is in danger and she badly needs their help to save him.

Audiobook: 48 mins
Ebook: 34 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 5: The Winter Caves

“So, you don’t think the bear is one you know?” said Eustace.
“No,” said Honeybear.
“Well, I’ll tell you something,” Eustace continued. “She’ll be easy to recognise. There’s a light patch of fur on her back rather like a square.”
“Whatever’s the matter?” said Gerumph. “You look as though you’ve just seen a ghost.”
“Perhaps I have,” said Honeybear. “My mother had a square patch of light fur on her back.” She raised her eyes. “I know it seems impossible, and I can’t really believe it myself, but I think that bear may be my mother.”

As the fifth story opens, snow blankets the forest and food is hard to find. Looking for something to eat, Honeybear and Gerumph come across bear tracks in the snow. Then they bump into Eustace the wild boar, whose description of the animal that made the tracks leaves Honeybear stunned by the possibility the newcomer could be her long-lost mother.  

But before they can investigate, they find something disturbing - bright red crosses painted on some of the trees. When the friends discover what the crosses are for, they fear their life in the forest could be destroyed unless they can prevent it.

Audiobook: 57 mins
Ebook: 39 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 6: Troublemakers

“If everyone did what they do,” said Honeybear. “This forest would have filled up with trash long ago and no one would want to come here.”
“I don’t understand,” Gerumph added. “They come to a beautiful place like this and spoil it!”
“Yes,” said Honeybear. “It makes no sense.”

In the sixth story, two men come to camp in the forest. They soon scatter rubbish all around and amuse themselves by being cruel to the animals, calling it their “bit of fun”.

The animals are determined to get rid of them and make a plan they hope will drive them from the forest.

Audiobook: 54 mins
Ebook: 38 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 7: Yeppi!

“Honeybear felt a shiver run down her spine and kept her eyes firmly fixed on the place where she’d seen the black shape. For a few moments she strained to see in the darkness, before letting out a cry as the shape took flight, wings spread, and headed straight for her.
“YEPPI! YEPPI!!” she cried out, raising her arms and waving them above her head to try and keep the Yeppi away.

In the seventh story of the series, Honeybear and Gerumph make a long trip to the sea for the first time. On their way they call in on Tweezer, a bear who tells them their journey will take them through an area of the forest legend says is haunted by a creature called a Yeppi!

Eventually, the two friends reach their destination, where they help a dolphin stranded on the beach who can’t get back to the water. But their efforts put Gerumph in deadly danger and it will be up to Honeybear alone to save him.

Audiobook: 58 mins
Ebook: 37 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 8: The Dancing Monkey

“What I have to show you is over there,” the monkey said, pointing along the path towards where a small tree was just coming into flower. “Stay where you are and I’ll go and fetch it.” Then suddenly, without any warning, he kicked up his legs and ran off as fast as he could.
“What did you want to show us?” Honeybear called after him.
“My backside,” the monkey shouted over his shoulder, the laughter in his voice trickling back through the trees. “That’s what I wanted to show you. My backside, running away.”

Book 8 finds our friends helping Honeybear’s aunt Mara build her new home in the forest. But there is a troublesome monkey about who first tries to trick, then steal from them.

Meanwhile Potting is taking part in the annual pine marten tree climbing competition. The year before he had lost in the final but the result had not been fair. Potting knows his arch rival will try every trick he can, breaking the rules if necessary, so Potting will need to be at his very best and avoid foul play in order to win.

Audiobook: 60 mins
Ebook: 40 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 9: Strange Noises

“I’m sorry to say that, if what Shaar says is true, it seems your mother was captured in the forest and taken away in a truck.” said Gerumph.
“I know,” said Honeybear. “I feel sad just thinking about it.”
 “A gate,” Shaar said. “That’s what I see. With a fence going off on either side and a long dusty path beyond leading towards a house.” He gave a sort of sigh. “On the gate is a crest with a red circle. Underneath are the words: RED CIRCLE RANCH.”
“And my mother,” Honeybear couldn’t stop herself from asking. “Do you see any sign of her?”

In book 9, Tiffin the monkey finds himself tricked out of the food he’s been gathering in the forest. When he sees an otter being tricked in the same way, he wants to stop the thieves but knows this might put him in grave danger.

In another part of the forest, Honeybear and Gerumph are searching for Burbleberries when they hear about a parrot called Shaar who may be able to help them find Honeybear’s mother. She and Gerumph set off on a perilous journey to find the parrot, eventually leading them to a dangerous ravine they must climb. If they can reach the parrot’s home, will their perilous journey be worth it?

And all the while they keep hearing strange noises. Very strange noises indeed. Who, or what, could be making them?

Audiobook: 63 mins
Ebook: 41 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 10: Danger On The Cracked Way

Gerumph caught up with Honeybear just as a large head appeared from a wide break in the ground.
“Look out,” he shouted.
The head had no hair and no eyes, or none that Gerumph could see, and a mouth full of pointed teeth, sharp as nails.
Honeybear jumped out of the way and the mouth opened wide: “CHAK CHAK CHAK,” it screamed out.

Book 10 starts with Gerumph having a very frustrating dream about trying to find a way into a lovely grove full of bananas. Before he can solve the puzzle, Honeybear wakes him up so they can set out on the long journey in search of her mother.

Right from the start there are delays which make Honeybear impatient and nowhere near as cautious as Gerumph thinks she should be. Consequently, and despite all the warnings she’s received, Honeybear takes a great risk and rushes headlong into danger. Gerumph reluctantly follows to try and keep his best friend safe, but feels sure they are heading for disaster.

Audiobook: 58 mins
Ebook: 39 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 11: Raven's Marsh


“My name’s Polo,” the alligator said. “It’s really Polonius but Polo’s what my friends call me.” He turned his long head to the side and looked at each animal in turn.
“And your enemies?” Crosby asked, in a rather joking fashion. “What do they call you?”
The alligator stared somewhat coldly at the hare, until Crosby started to become uncomfortable and had to look away.
“They don’t usually get a chance to call me anything,” he replied, opening his mouth even wider to display his rows of shiny teeth.

In the eleventh story, Honeybear and Gerumph travel across Raven’s Marsh. It is a confusing place where everywhere looks the same as everywhere else. Hopelessly lost, they meet a familiar character who offers to show them the way.

Soon they come across the alligators of the marsh, who offer to ferry them downstream much faster than they can walk. The only catch is that they must first referee a Marshball match between two teams of alligators, a mad ball game with very few rules.

Audiobook: 59 mins
Ebook: 38 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 12: Crossing The Poisoned River

“I don’t understand what’s happening. The sun’s out but, at the same time, it’s definitely getting darker.”
And then a curious thing happened. It became even darker, with the light quickly disappearing all around the animals.
The deer began to settle down as though it were night-time, preparing to go to sleep.
Soon, it became darker still.
“What’s happening?” Honeybear cried out. “It can’t be night yet, we’ve only just woken up!”
Gerumph turned his head and pointed at the sky. “I don’t believe it,” he said. “The sun’s turned black!”

In book 12, Honeybear and Gerumph travel towards the Red Circle Ranch. On their way, they encounter a very strange, dangerous creature, but also their old friend Douglas the owl. Together they must survive a bewildering experience when the sun goes out, plunging them into total darkness in the middle of the day.

Eventually they come to a poisoned river, where some greedy raccoons bar their way, demanding payment to let them cross the only bridge. Gerumph refuses and tries to cross anyway – which is when he discovers the raccoons have a swarm of stinging wasps on their side.

With no other option, the friends reluctantly pay the toll and continue their journey, but Douglas comes up with an unlikely way to get revenge.

Audiobook: 75 mins
Ebook: 43 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Book 13: The Red Circle Ranch

The gorilla had been running close by and his steps faltered. And then, “Go on. There’s nothing you can do.”
“He’s right,” she heard Douglas say, and realised he was flying above her somewhere. But Honeybear slowed down, not wanting to desert her friend.
“No, no, come on,” Douglas shrieked. “Come on.”
And in that moment, Honeybear knew he was right. “Go,” the gorilla shouted. “Don’t stop, go now.”
And Honeybear ran as hard as she could into the darkness.

In the final story of the series, Honeybear and Gerumph arrive at the Red Circle Ranch. Right from the start things go badly. And when the friends are separated, and Honeybear finds out one of the captive animals is a bear, she knows she must risk everything to find Gerumph – and speak to the bear.

What Honeybear decides to do is very brave but puts them all in great danger.

In a dramatic ending full of twists and turns, the outcome remains in doubt almost to the final page.

Audiobook: 100 mins
Ebook: 55 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the MP3 audiobook + free ebook: Price £2.95

Buy the ebook: £0.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible (but excludes free ebook - sorry, but no way to do it through these channels)

Honeybear Stories - the ebook anthology

Honeybear Stories is the complete series anthology of 13 short stories for children aged between 5 and 8 years old (with a bit of latitude at either end), available as an ebook. Every chapter contains full colour pictures of the animals featured and text is set in an enlarged font to encourage children to learn and improve their reading skills.

The stories are written in a charming retro style, harking back to an age when children’s fiction was more innocent. Suffused with comedy, love, loyalty and generosity, they introduce children to a host of animals. Most – although not all – live together in an atmosphere of kindness and cooperation.

The principal character is Honeybear herself, an orphaned bear living alone in a forest after her mother mysteriously disappeared when she was a cub. She is admittedly a rather lazy bear, happy to doze a great deal in between eating lovely snacks she finds in the forest. But one day, her largely uneventful but lonely life is interrupted by a stranger in the forest – a young gorilla who has escaped from a zoo.

After meeting many of the forest’s other inhabitants and indeed having several adventures, Honeybear makes a startling discovery – that she might be able to find her long-lost mother. Of course, her best friend Gerumph is always by her side, to help and encourage Honeybear when she needs it.

As their new quest gathers pace, Honeybear becomes more adventurous and empowered, even to the point of taking unlikely risks. Their journey leads the friends out of the forest into new, and perhaps dangerous territory, full of surprises, challenges and strange encounters, leading to a dramatic climax full of twists and turns in which the outcome remains in doubt almost to the final page.

Ebook: 472 pages approx (depends on device)

Buy the ebook: Price £6.95

Also available from Amazon, Apple and Audible

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